Ways into starting work on the theme of the campaign

Level 1

Theme G

This pack has been written for people throughout Europe who meet in
a variety of settings. It is fully recognised some people will be working with groups who may need very simple activities which do not require such good group work or discussion skills. The following activities may be useful starting points to help stimulate questions and start discussion about the issues of the campaign.

Once the people in your group show interest go on to one of the simpler activities in the main section of the pack, e.g. something at level 1 to develop the group and start working with images such as 'One equals one', 'First impressions' or 'Cultionary'.


• To provide information

• To encourage interaction and co-operation

• To stimulate interest in issues

• To raise awareness of people who are different


Group size: Any

Tips for the facilitator

Use and adapt the ideas below to suit the people in your group.

In any discussions try to talk about:

• what people said or did.

• what they have learnt from the exercise and how what they have learnt relates to their own lives, the community and the wider world.

1. Posters

Find pictures of people who may be different in some way, stick them onto large sheets of paper and write an unfinished sentence underneath. Choose the particular sentence to focus peoples' minds on the issue you want to raise, for example, 'I am from...' 'My favourite food is...' My favourite music is...' 'My name is...'. Ask people to finish the sentence. Alternatively ask them to write their suggestions on the posters.

An alternative is to collect pictures of people who are famous locally, nationally or internationally for resisting racism, fighting intolerance, promoting equality etc. and ask people to say their names and what they are famous for.

2. Different foods - different tastes

If you sell crisps and snacks in your club or for your group buy in a variety of different­ snacks which come from other cultures e.g., popadoms, prawn crackers.

Sell brand named colas with labels in another language (bring them back with you from holiday abroad). Try to get people to be adventurous and try different­ foods.

3. New magazines - new languages

Bring in youth magazines written in different languages or from other ­countries.

Leave them around for young people to pick up, take the opportunity to raise their awareness of people who are different.

4. Board games

Have a selection of board games from other countries.

Again, sensitive questioning will raise their curiosity about other cultures.

5. Quizzes and questionnaires

Design and photocopy word searches, for example for names of different cultural festivals, currencies or any issue you want to raise awareness about.

'How much do you know?' questionnaires about famous people who have ­promoted tolerance, e.g.: Mahatma Ghandi was famous because:

a) he was a footballer,

b) he was the leader of the Indian independence struggle

c) he was Prime Minister of Pakistan.

(answer: b)

Matching statement quizzes:

Make lists of traditional foods and their countries of origin. Ask people to draw a line between the food and its country of origin.


6. Theme nights

Invite someone who is 'different' with a special talent to share with the group e.g. reading Braille, traditional dancing, woodcarving, chanting mantras, playing an instrument (bagpipes?), wearing traditional costume.

7. Films and videos

Watching films or videos is entertaining and may be informative. It can be a very useful tool if linked with local campaigns or events so young people can become involved in the issues.

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