I don't think that racism is good for the people and for the world. I think no one is better or worse than others. There is no sense in classifying people by any kind of rule.

Annamaria Bikkes, 21
years, Hungary

Session 9.3



When we as human beings have conversations we use words to express our opinions and points of view. We try to describe reality and present facts with these words. However, words also reveal our attitudes. Words do not just convey facts, but also our values and opinions. Words can be charged with emotions. This four corners activity, can stimulate discussion on specific issues.


• Open space so that people can move freely around the room.

• Four signs on each of the four corners of the room, indicating four positions:

+ + = strongly agree

+ = agree

x = disagree

x x = strongly disagree

• Flipchart and papers

• Markers and Tape


45 minutes

Group size

15 - 30 people


Everyone stands in the middle of the room while a statement is presented, for instance about Racism. It could be helpful to have the statements written up on a flipchart or board. The statements should be carefully designed to draw out a wide spectrum of responses, probably six is enough in a session.

These statements should not be questions, for example;

• Everybody has prejudices

• Europe is multi-cultural

• National culture and international culture must be learned at the same time

• It is not enough to be curious about other cultures

People are asked to think about the statement for a minute and than to choose the corner which represents their response to the statement. Nobody should stand in the middle or hover between positions. They must make a decision. Once in a corner, people should pair up with someone in their own corner to discuss the statement. (3 minutes). Then they enter discussion with someone from an opposite corner. They should then finish by going to the corner that reflects their view on the subject now. This may or may not have changed.


This peer learning activity can be applied to a wide range of controversial statements and can be used with people of different ages. It is possible when people are back in their corner, then to ask one representative from each corner to explain briefly their choice to the others. Further discussion at this point is also possible.

A useful variation of the technique described above can be found in "Where do you stand" in Compass.