Intolerance is a feeling that most people have because they can't stand their fellow human beings for lots of reasons. As a result they discriminate others and have negative attitudes towards their fellow human beings.

Marina Pitta, 16 years, Cyprus

Session 9.2.



Creative Art Work is a way for a lot of people to explore their own imagination and to re-assess their creative potential. Being creative has many languages and is as varied as people are. It can provide an alternative outlet for group members who find it hard to express themselves during discussions. Creative work is vital and there are many different forms to suit each individual. One example is described here: Poetry writing.


• White cards (like postcards)

• A4 paper

• Coloured pencils

• Calligraphy pens

• Typewriter


2.5 - 3 hours-

Group size

10 - 30 people


Begin this session by reading out a poem, song, story or proverb and its meaning to your own life. Explain that we may have heard and read sentences, poems, songs, stories etc. in newspapers or magazines which we felt strongly about, and which expressed our current situation, our feelings or hopes for the future. In this exercise encourage them to recall and write on paper their own poems and stories about racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. About their own experiences or those from others.

Turn to the next page for two suggestions, which you can use:

Une Europe unie pour un monde sans peur, une fraternité de toutes les couleurs

Dans notre grande Europe
Il est beaucoup de DIFFERENTS
Des gens de toutes les couleurs
Des DIFFERENTS qui te font peur


Il y a les blancs et les jaunes
les noirs et les cafés au lait
il y a ceux qui croient au Dieu
il y a ceux qui n'y croient pas


et ceux qui te montrent le poing
et ceux qui te tendent la main


l'autre n'est pas ton ennemi
tu pourras t'en faire un ami


si tous deux vous ouvrez le poing
si tous deux vous tendez le main


Tu es un DIFFERENT aussi
pour ce garçon ou cette fille
de ta rue ou du bout du monde
n'oublie pas que la terre est ronde


avec tes mots et tes couleurs
lance ton cri contre la peur
écris-nous le plus beau poème
celui des DIFFERENTS qui s'aiment.

Président de la Maison internationale de la Poésie
(Le Soir du mercredi 22 mars 1995)


when I am born, I am black
a ma naissance, je suis noir


when I grow up, I am black
quand je grandis, je suis noir


when I go out in the sun, I am black
quand je suis au soleil, je suis noir


when I am cold, I am black
quand j'ai froid, je suis noir

but you!
mais toi!


when you are born, your are pink
a ta naissance tu es rose


when you grow up, you are white
quand tu grandis tu es blanc


when you go on the sun, you are red
quand tu vas au soleil, tu es rouge


when you are cold, you are blue
quand tu as froid, tu es blue


when you die, you are purple
quand tu es mort, tu es violet


and you have the guts to call me coloured!!
et tu as le culot de m'appeler le colore!!



These writings can then be shared with the group. Continue this exercise by using small illustrations, a decorative frame or the use of a calligraphy pen to illustrate their own texts. After that copy them onto a good sheet of paper or white cards and make a small booklet of all the writings.


Before doing the exercise of poetry writing check the literacy skills of the group. One way to modify this exercise would be to draw or paint a picture reflecting a song, poem etc. Other creative art work methods which you can use are: a large picture or mural painting, t-shirt painting, writing songs or making music together, taking photos, face-painting etc.

If you want some ideas for music to play to create a good atmosphere while you are doing the Creative Art Work, then look at "Knysna Blue" in the all different all equal education pack. There are also ideas for using music for raising curiosity about music from other cultures and peoples.

If people like activities that work with pictures, then look at "First impressions" and "What do you see" in the all different all equal education pack. There are also many ideas in "Picture games" in Compass.

You can find inspiration in stories from different cultures in "Tales of the World" in the all different all equal education pack.