Gewalt gegen Ausländer - Lass' dich nicht anstecken !
Tr: Violence against foreigners – don't let yourself be infected!
Junge Union Deutschland, 1992

Jugendaustausch gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeiten
tr: Youth exchange against hostility towards foreigners
Bayerischer Jugendring discussion paper, 1992

A stranger is a friend you don't know yet
Landsrädet for Norske Ungdomsorganisasjoner, 1992

En un mundo de diferencias... Un mundo diferente : Contra el racismo y la xenofobia
tr: In a world of differences... A different world : Against racism and xenophobia
Cruz Roja Juventud, 1992

ASLIR's endeavour is to become a brick in a barrier wall with NO RACISM written onto it.
Asociata Studenteasca de Lupta Improtriva Rasismului din Romania, 1993

Pas de quartier pour le racisme
tr: No place for racism
Conseil suisse des Activités de Jeunesse, 1991

NERO e non solo !
tr: Black and not alone – Black and not only
Sinistra Giovanile nel PDS, 1992

Jesus was an asylum-seeker, would you let him in?
Young Women's Christian Association, 1983

Muurit Murtuu
tr: The walls are breaking
Sosialidemokraattisen Nuorison, 1990-92

Intercreation for all !
Council of Europe Minority Youth Committees, 1993

European Young Christian Democrats

"To approach the problems of minority groups, we, as Christian Democrats believe the following:

i) We think that our political action should be based upon the fact that every individual has something to offer society;

ii) Regardless of the nature of each person's contribution, every individual is of equal worth and should be treated as such, irrespective of race, creed, sex, etc;

iii) Every person within his/her community has the responsibility to protect the rights of others within that community.


["Ethnic Minorities, Racism, Intolerance and Poverty", Study Session, EYC, 1991]

UNITED for Intercultural Action

"All European countries have been experiencing a rise in racism and xenophobia due to economic recession, unemployment and social and cultural marginalisation. In this context there has been an increasing temptation to find scapegoats for these problems, such as blacks, immigrants, refugees, foreigners and ethnic minorities. Governments which question the Right of Asylum encourage demagogic xenophobia by looking for scapegoats.

As anti-racist militants in Europe, we demand that economical, political and social problems be treated at their source.

We commit ourselves to coordinate our efforts to build the Europe that we want:

A Europe based on Citizenship and equal rights for all its inhabitants.
A Europe involved in the defence of Human Rights, respecting the Right of Asylum, and combatting all forms of discrimination.
A Europe which acknowledges its richness and is open to cooperation and solidarity between its people.

"Directory of Internationalism", November 1992